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August 2023 - Local Athletes

Our first athlete spotlight is Norma. She's a local record-holding sprinter who's in her 80's and still setting records! After setting 4 national records last year at the National Senior Games in Ft. Lauderdale, Norma has once again gone on to win. She competed at the USATF Indoor Championships this February and last month in this year’s National Senior Games in Pittsburgh, setting the world record in the 400 meter event, and a national record in the 800 meter event. At 85, she continues to train daily through her coach’s sometimes grueling workouts. As Norma says, she doesn’t feel her age - she just loves running and the competitive nature of the sport. She's as inspiring as she is talented! Check out her 400 meter indoor race here: I look forward to visits from her and seeing her at local races. She truly is an example of how nutritionand exercise play such an important role in longevity. 


Our second athlete, Liam, is at the other end of the age spectrum. He's a passionate lacrosse and football player at the very beginning of his athletic journey. Liam’s focus with his training is more focused on endurance and agility rather than running, however he continues to improve on his shorter bursts of speed. In just a few months of coaching, Liam has already shown the results of the training. He’s faster, stronger and is starting to outlast his competition in lacrosse games. I look forward to coaching him as he continues his path.

Victor is one of our customers and a well-known local runner. He's training for his 7th marathon this fall in Philadelphia. As an experienced marathoner and competitive runner, he’s shooting for a sub 3-hour time but is more concerned on having a good race. He’s been working out weekly with his trainer at TAP Strength for a while now, getting stronger and helping to build a foundation for the large amount of running necessary for marathon training. Next April he will be running the London Marathon for the Alzheimer’s Association. Victor challenges me at the Westport Summer Series races, which I absolutely love, and has made me a faster runner over the past few years. Fun fact, Victor once played professional ice hockey!

Kayla is relatively new to the Fleet Feet Westport family, but is a bundle of energy! Somewhat newer to running, she's found running to be as much therapeutic as physical. Post-pandemic, she’s gone from the mindset of “I’ll never run a marathon” to completing the Boston Marathon – twice, and a 50-mile ultra marathon. She’s now got some serious goals this fall with the “Chowder Challenge” races in Cape Cod, followed by the NYC Marathon a short 4 weeks later. Next April she will also be running the London Marathon. When you talk with Kayla about running, be ready for a big smile and some energy!

Are you looking for one-on-one coaching?

We provide one-on-one coaching for clients and customers looking to work on their run form, speed or another sport that involves some form of running. See here to find out more: Individual Coaching Info.

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